WordPress Design

About WordPress

Not only does WordPress remain the de facto blogging standard on the internet, it has grown to become an extremely powerful, full-featured content management system (CMS), rivaling all others. In many cases, WordPress is now the leader when it comes to aesthetics, web standards, usability and support community. It has been estimated that WordPress-based sites now account for an astounding 35 percent of the web, a measurement of its explosive growth and popularity .

Of course, WordPress is still a powerful blogging platform that is easy to set up and even easier to maintain. Like other CMS platforms, WordPress requires no coding skills to maintain. However, the days of choosing WordPress solely for blogging are over. WordPress is now a robust content management solution for complex, full-featured and highly-styled websites.

CMS popularity has grown in leaps and bounds for small business owners on the web, eliminating the need to manage their content changes and updates from within the source code (HTML/CSS). In many cases, the complexity and tedium of code-level site maintenance is not an option for them.

Content management system sites save an immense amount of time, effort and training. CMS is a great web platform due to its convenience, functionality and flexibility. For all these reasons, Dexign recommends FastTrack CMS sites (including WordPress) for clients with limited technical skills in maintaining their site using source code or wishing to incorporate a team of contributors. Design model and license are included.

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The world’s easiest and most popular CMS. Design model included.

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