Sliding sites incorporate powerful elements of a cross-browser JavaScript library, jQuery among others, to add rich, animated effects to the site while leaving the overall design extremely light and responsive. jQuery is easily the most popular JavaScript library in use today, allowing web developers to create ever-increasingly powerful and dynamic web pages.
Although not as visually active or richly animated as Flash, JavaScript-animated sites incorporate attention-grabbing, dynamic movement of important elements on the page. And of course, complex Adobe Flash software is no longer needed by the client or designer.
For all these reasons, Dexign recommends sliding sites for clients wanting slideshow or sliding panel effects but wishing to avoid the resource footprint and security issues of Flash. JavaScript is simply lighter and faster. FastTrack sliding sites offer this functionality and include HTML5/CSS3 codebase. Design model and license are included on all Pro and Lite series packages.
$779FastTrack Pro
Full price. FastTrack Pro series. JavaScript slideshow and sliding panel effects. Design model included.
$429FastTrack Lite
Full price. FastTrack Lite series.* JavaScript slideshow and sliding panel effects. Design model included.